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Target Management 2.0.2 Released

TM 2.0.2 has been released and includes 26 bug fixes. It contains 23 fixes for the Terminal and 3 fixes for RSE. 1 major and 1 critical fix related to saving have been fixed in RSE. Here is the complete list of RSE fixes:

Bug #204810: Saving file in Eclipse does not update remote file
Bug #205297: SystemTempFileListener calls upload() in the dispatch thread
Bug #205592: [regression] ClassCastException when trying to expand folder that doesn't have read permissions

The critical fixes for the Terminal include:

Bug #205186: [regression][mac] SSH Terminal does not paint correctly on OSX
Bug #205393: [terminal] terminal causes stack overflow
Bug #205772: [terminal] crash on linux (division by zero)

You can find TM 2.0.2 through the Europa update site or can download it here.

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